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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Liberty Justice Revenge--Chapter 5

Hello everyone, here I have the next chapter of Liberty Justice Revenge. I've been stressing over more ideas, I don't know if I should do that. But Uranometria is still continuing, not ending that anytime soon--I'll make it much longer like Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Fairy Tail, and other anime/manga ongoing (no reruns but ongoing and not ending). Anyways, hope you like this last chapter of Liberty Justice Revenge. I know it's a short chapter but I think I'm done. Enjoy! --KatDon 

Chapter 5: Free from the Curse

Ophelia was at a formal party where she's shy around others until her mother Gertrude called out, "Ophelia! Come say hello to some nice hello." There was a woman with short wavy hair that framed her face, has a brilliant smile with nice teeth and skin. Another is a queenly princess who wore gold and purple, a young lady in white dress, one with dark makeup and clothes and her sister wore sparkling attire. Ophelia felt she could belong for once in a lifetime. These girls are Rosemaria Beverly, Princess Pansy, the mysterious Daisy, Columbine Leto and her sister Rue. Columbine and Rue seemed standoffish but Rosemaria, Pansy, and Daisy are the nicest people to Ophelia. Pansy is going to be crowned queen after marrying a nice king that loves her unconditionally; she is nervous however Rosemaria, Daisy, and Ophelia supported her courage and strength which Pansy faced her fears finally. This friendship got bad after Columbine and Rue took part in cruel pranks and gaslighting, stealing her stuff and putting them somewhere else. They bully her on Internet, write awful things about her, and graffiti on her house. Gertrude, her mother, was stressed about that as she felt bad for her daughter's distress. Rosemaria, Queen Pansy, and Daisy remain loyal to her although there had been some rumors about them but there was nothing to prove there. Columbine and Rue also conspired in Ophelia to get pregnant by Amleth. "I won’t speak to her." said Gertrude. "She’s insistent. In fact, she’s crazed. You can’t help feeling sorry for her." replied one of the man said. "What does she want?" Gertrude asked, she sounded annoying. "She talks to the baby a lot, and says she hears there are conspiracies around about the baby, and and gets angry over tiny matters, and talks nonsense. Her words don’t mean anything, but her babbling causes her listeners to draw conclusions." explained a man's voice. 

"It’s a good idea to speak to her, since she might lead those with evil intentions to dangerous conclusions." said a second voice. "Fine. Let her come in." replied Gertrude with a sigh. Ophelia enters all insane and has a pregnant stomach out, "Where is my beautiful mother?" She said. "What are you doing, Ophelia?" Gertrude asked. "I’m sorry, did you say something?" Ophelia asked as she had flowers in her hands as she begins to dance around, twirling as it looks like. Gertrude watched with exasperation, her husband enters as she turns to him, "Honey, look at this poor girl." She said. The man turned to Ophelia and smiled kindly, "How are you doing, my pretty lady?" He asked. "I’m quite well, thank you. I hope everything will turn out fine. We must be patient, but I can’t help crying when I think of the labor from the baby." Ophelia ranted, "My brother will hear about this. And so I thank you for your kindness." She skips away with the baby. The man looked at Ophelia and turned to Gertrude, "How long has she been like this?" He asked. Gertrude shook her head, "Oh, her grief has poisoned her mind. Amleth has hurt her! Oh, Claude, when bad things happen, they don’t come one at a time, but all at once. First her love has betrayed her, then her friends had betrayed her as well. Poor Ophelia has been robbed of her sanity. Deprived of her purity; oh, dear Claude, I feel as though I’m being murdered many times over."

For the time being; Ophelia was pregnant, Gertrude could see her dancing and skipping. "If you were sane and could urge me to take revenge, you couldn’t be more persuasive than you are now." "Look at my flowers. There’s rosemary, that’s for remembering. Please remember, love. And there are pansies, they’re for thoughts. Here are fennel and columbines for you—they symbolize adultery. And here’s rue for you—it symbolizes repentance. We can call it the merciful Sunday flower. You should wear it for a different reason. And here’s a daisy, for unhappy love. I’d give you some violets, flowers of faithfulness, but they all dried up." said Ophelia.  Someone can hear a noise, "Wait, what’s that sound?" A voice asked. Claude came in. "The bad news just keeps on coming, one disaster after another. Ophelia nearly drowned." Gertrude couldn't believe it, "What happened?" "There’s a willow that leans over the brook, dangling its white leaves over the glassy water. Ophelia made wild wreaths out of those leaves, braiding in crow-flowers, thistles, daisies, and 'dead men’s fingers.' Climbing into the tree to hang the wreath of weeds on the hanging branches, she and her flowers fell into the gurgling brook. Her clothes spread out wide in the water, and buoyed her up for a while as she sang bits of old hymns, acting like someone who doesn’t realize the danger she’s in, or like someone completely accustomed to danger. She then crawled out after she gave birth to a daughter--Two." 

"Are the babies all right?" Gertrude asked. Claude nodded, "Their both OK." He answered. "And Ophelia?" Gertrude asked. "She's fine, it seems the insanity has faded from her." "Good. Thank God." Gertrude said. In the meantime; Ophelia is nursing her babies. Each of the babies are Kaguya and Kaia. When she woke up; Kaguya begins to see and looked around, she's inside the world of Einsam Kokoro Club.  But she is approach by a young man who was so beautiful it broke Kaguya's heart, "Now wait just a minute! I wasn’t ready, I was fashioning on being funny and cute but I totally blew it. Can I have a second chance? Please?” The boy asked with pleading eyes. Kaguya smiled, looking a little shy however she saw something however she bumps into someone and she gasped, "Aaah!" "Yipe!" The person yelped. Kaguya and the other person stumbled down. Down, down they went but Kaguya uses her powers to save her and the person she is tumbling with. "Hey, pal! What the hell?" The person demanded. "Sorry about that." Kaguya said. The person was shocked to see how cute Kaguya was, "Hello...It's OK. I'm fine, it's no big deal." The young man apologized. "You serious?" asked Kaguya quietly. "Yeah, my bad. And I'm dead serious." confirmed The young man, "Yeah, my bad! I'm sorry! But, be careful." Kaguya nodded, looking so scared. "Are you OK?"  asked one of the pretty boys. Kaguya nodded. "How did you do that?" asked another pretty boy, referring to her abilities. 

Kaguya looked at him, she just shrugged. Freyr glared at her, but he looked blushing in the face as he looks at her breasts shyly. "That's one way to convince me..." He muttered. Kaguya glared back at him suspiciously and looked down at her boobs, she covered herself. "So, why'd you do it?" asked Kaguya. Freyr flashed a glare at her, "You have no idea do you?" He snapped as he went over to her. He grasped her chin and pulled her close in a kiss. Kaguya's body pulsate, "Mmm..." She said muffled but she felt something lingering in her mouth that caressed the roof of it inside. "Oh..." She thought. Now, she felt a different sensation....Arousal. "Oh my God! I--I--" thought Kaguya, she pushed Freyr away as blood spurt from her nose. Kaguya panted, and panted, she clutched at her throat as she tried to catch her breath. "Oh...Wow...That was..." She stammered. "Did you like that? Hm?" said Freyr smugly. "Um...I need to clean myself up, OK? I feel...oooh." said Kaguya. That night; Kaguya somehow sleeping out in the open, without a blanket, She's shivering in her sleep, turning over in a really vulnerable way and clutching herself. Freyr comes along, see her distress, and react to it by tenderly draping a blanket over her shoulders, petting her on the head, and saying, "Sleep tight, Kaguya." Freed from the discomfort, Kaguya faintly smiled in her sleep, she is grateful for the warmth. The next day, Kaguya was lying in her bed but she felt someone beside her. She awoke as she turned to see one of the pretty boys looking over at her. "Aaah!" gasped Kaguya. "What are you doing here?" She asked. The pretty boy caresses her hair, "Just coming to see how the little princess is doing."  He said. Kaguya was told that Freyr wanted to help her. He wants to get to know her and Kaguya got out of bed. While she was with Freyr; she is shown inner beauty. Touched; Kaguya broke down as she explains her past to Freyr. Damon and the gang stunned their opponents with their powers and using their immense skills, fighting back but so did Margon, his crew, Darmarchus, and his army as well. But once Damon and Gunther fought back; Margon, Darmarchus, and their comrades left on good terms with the Leto brothers. 

As it turns out; Kaia is tragic, tortured and misunderstood. As a 15 year old girl; Kaia  was lonely, shy and timid around others as she had no confidence. A fractured young soul, in need of support and love. But when she was abused and tortured; she became a cold-blooded killer to the wicked. She turned homicidal, sadistic, and destructive nature to those that hurt her. Her father Amleth loved her however his true colors were revealed. He is a malicious, and aggressive man with overtones of conniving, cruel, and verbally abuses Kaia. "You think you can hurt me, I don't think you can escape with those chains Little Lady." said Amleth. Kaia glares up at her stepfather, "Chains are nothing, I've been abused before. It's no big." She insisted. Amleth pulled out a syringe and smiled in a sinister way as he said, "That's nothing, compared what I'm going to do to you." Kaia looked horrified as her screams were the only thing that echoed in the house. About a few years later; Kaia was in school but she hated it; she was always bullied there every day. From her childhood to her young teens. There's no love for her. Everybody had hurt her, hated her, resented her, destroyed her almost, and try to make her fade away in obscurity. In the meantime; Casey and Evangeline were patrolling but they did not ceased until the Hunduns are all slaughtered. Once it was over, victory came about for the two of them, Evangeline was out of breath as the others, she was tired as she almost passed out but Casey caught her along and escorted her back to the base. While the two were asleep in different beds; A figure looks over at them who slept so peacefully. The next day; Kaia is chased by Casey, Evangeline, and Rosie as they sprung a trap on her; kidnapping Kaia. Later, her wrists were bound over her head as the gang kept watch over her. 

Just then; Nuala, Fiachra, Connor, and Aiden came to her rescue and took down Casey and Evangeline. Casey and Evangeline try to catch up but they all escaped with ease. However back at the hideout, Kaia was pretty mean to them and putting them down for being pathetic. This made Gerth upset as well as the others. But Gerth knew one thing: Kaia was a girl that didn't do things right or always caused trouble while Kaguya did things correct or be respectful and nice. For Kaia; she always say that he wish for better food and a better home. She would complain and is not caring for others.  What also was the trouble for Kaia is that she was demanding: "Here, sew this button on." She wouldn't ask for permission, she would force it from someone, "I want to read the comics!" She said, trying to rip it away from the paper that his mother was reading. Kaia would also force her way to see something without asking. Kaia was always misplacing his stuff, she would beg her busy mother for help. Kaia was mean to wildlife and has no respect for them. She throws stones at birds, scare the squirrels, and stomps on the ants. Kaia would do hazardous things. But that's not all, Kaia is very bad in school: She is loud and distracts other people around her. Kaia also complains about other things. However, she got so mean to Gerth that he managed to arranged something and he meets with Evangeline and Casey to tell them hat had happened. 

So Evangeline and Casey staged a kidnapping towards Gerth that Kaia went totally crazy to find him but Casey tells her that because of her, Gerth wasn't coming back. Kaia is guilty for what she's done and thinks that Gerth is gone because of her. She tried to find him but alas she screamed out: "I'm sorry! I am an awful person to all of you, but it's because I was hiding my deepest depression  and all of mean so much to me! I was rejected and alone back then, I was so distant and reserved, cold hearted...Because I didn't want to be alone ever again. Please! Don't go away...." She was too late, she couldn't get there fast enough. Tearful at this; Kaia walked away sadly. She sniffed as she wiped a few tears away, she breathed heavily as she would cry there for good. Just then, she looked surprised at this. She turned around and was embraced by a familiar face! "Gerth!" Kaia said, she was crying so much that she could hardly talk. "Did you really think I would you like this?" Gerth asked. Kaia shrugged, it was hard to talk when she was crying so much. Upset, Kaia confronted Amleth. They fought off against each other. But Kaia got the best of him, Amleth was pinned to the ground. "This is the end for you." said Kaia. "Oh really? You weren't so sure of yourself? Well, it won't be peaceful for you for long." taunted Joseph, "You are nothing, you couldn't be strong enough to save your mother from being defiled by the likes of me--That heifer!" Kaia shook violently, she couldn't believe it and she lost control of herself. She begin to killed him while screaming hysterically. When she snapped out of it, Kaia was shocked as she saw that her hands were dripping with blood. She begins to cry uncontrollably, she thought she lose consciousness. When Kaia woke up; Casey and Evangeline surround her with Aiden, Nuala, Fiachra, and Connor. Just then, Kaia broke down: "I made it all up, everything about my dad was a lie! I try not to think about the times when he was mean to me, he called me a spawn of the heifer. He was so mean, what kind of father is that? I'm nothing, nothing..." Kaia sobbed. 

Evangeline put an arm around her, "You are something, in fact would you like to be my friend?" She said softly. "Really?" asked Kaia. Evangeline nodded and the two girls embraced each other. In a memory; There was a reunion where Queen Pansy and her husband host a birthday party for their 3 year old son Casimir where Rosemaria and her husband brought 2 year old Tony, Daisy brought 1 year old Winona, and Columbine came with her sons--Damon and Gunther who were both  3 years old--with her sister Rue. Rosemaria, Pansy, and Daisy want the Leto sisters to be held accountable for their actions. Ophelia crashed the party with her daughters as she has come to present gifts for them: She made predictions that Daisy will leap from the cliff, she predicted Rosemaria's husbands's death and Rue's murder. Then Ophelia went away but during that time; the visions came true just as she foretold. In modern day; Rosemaria, the queen, and Columbine are all kidnapped. Master Joshua had to warn Tony and the others as he explained what happened to Kaguya and Ophelia, as well as some other things. When Rosemaria, the queen, and Columbine woke up; they couldn't believe where they were and who was there. "Well Rosemaria, remember this place? This is the place where we all first met." Ophelia said. Rosemaria looked at her with nervousness, "Ophelia, why are you doing this? You know I would never hurt you." She said. 

Ophelia looked at her, "Oh really? What about those catty rumors I've been hearing about you conspiring with the Leto sisters, hmm?" She said. "I've heard them and I am upset to hear about them." Rosemaria claimed. "You upset? Like I'm supposed to believe that!" Ophelia screamed. "Ophelia, please don't do this to any of us! We have families, we'll give you a great treatment--Anything to make you happy." Pansy begged. "Oh, Your Majesty--I'm flattered! Except for one problem...I don't take royal treatments from backstabbers." Ophelia remarked. She looked over at the women, "Now then....Eenie, meanie, miney, moe....Catch a backstabber by the throat, if she screams; let her die. My witchy mother said pick the squeamish one and you...are...the...one.....We got a winner." She said, picking out a terrified Columbine. "NO, COLUMBINE!!!!" The queen cried out. Rosemaria was terrified for her friends and cried out, "All right, all right....Ophelia?...I'm sorry, for everything." Ophelia glared at Rosemaria and said, "Your too late." Just then, voices were shouting out. Each mother could recognize her own. "MOM!" Tony cried out. "TONY!!!!" Rosemaria shouted. Casimir's voice also called out, "MOTHER!!!" "HERE CASIMIR!" The queen called out. Two other voices each called out: "MOM!" called Damon. "MOM!" Gunther called out. "DAMON, GUNTHER!!!" Columbine shouted. Tony, Prince Casimir, Winona, Damon, Gunther, and their Wee Folk companions arrived just in time. 

Ophelia poise the knife a little bit close to Columbine's neck, "You just had to come here, didn't you?" She demanded. "Ophelia, please don't do this." Tony begged. "What about your mother and stepfather? They loved you." Casimir put in. "Mother never cared or loved me. She pretended to care and so did Claude!" Ophelia cried. She inched the knife closer to Columbine's throat. "Wait, what about Kaguya? And Kaia?" Winona mentioned. Ophelia stopped and looked at her, "What are you talking about?" She said. "Kaguya? She's a mute. It was because of you." repllied Winona. "So what? It wasn't my fault." Ophelia claimed. "The reason she became a mute was because she was scared of you and she was publically humiliated at school and you took that upon yourself to kill those that hurt her. She became a mute because of that humiliation and also what you did!"  explained Winona, holding out an object--It was a necklace of a pendant with a gem in the middle. "Where did you get that?" demanded Ophelia. "She loved you, she and Kaia both loved you!" countered Winona. "I protected them, but they never love me." Ophelia claimed. "They did but they were scared to be around you." claimed Winona. Ophelia glared at her, "You're just like Columbine, she always wanted to torment me!" She cried. "She atoned for her sins after Rue died and realized how bad she was to you." Winona claimed. Ophelia was so mad that she yelled, "Enough! It's time for you to suffer!" She uses a knife to try and plunged it into Columbine while Rosemaria cried out, "NOOO!" 

Before Ophelia could do anything; Tony charged at her with fire and saved Columbine while plunging down at her. Ophelia couldn't believe it, "Wha--what are you doing?" She demanded. "Stopping you and unleashing us from this curse!" Tony cried. He remembered Master Joshua telling him that the only way to stop the curse was to cut her arm and burnt a mark into the cut in order to released Tony and the others from the curse. So that's what Tony did! He did that and soon enought there was the pain in all of them but it was easing and the flower rash marks were disappearing. At that moment, it was over as Ophelia lied there in guilt and felt so guilty that she noticed she was bleeding so she asked Tony to take her to the lake. There, Ophelia lied in there. All of a sudden; Kaguya appeared with Kaia beside her and they sat with their mother. Ophelia told them how she nursed them here when they were babies. She told them to live well as she still loves them. Kaguya replied, "Kaia and I will always love you Mom." Ophelia smiles and she closes her eyes before disappearing in the water. Kaia was saddened by this however her mother could finally rest. Kaguya said, "Mother, sweet flowers for a sweet girl. Goodbye dearest mother." 

At a festival of Japan; Tony, Casey, Evangeline, Rosie, Prince Casimir, Winona, Damon, Gunther, Kaguya, and Kaia were having a great time. The Wee Folks were flying by to watch over them as Kaguya looked in the crowd as she thought she saw her mother. But then her mother disappeared and Kaguya knew that she was in a better place. During that time; Nuala, Connor, and Fiachra are playing the tall grass and flowers meadow as Aiden and Gerth watched this with smiles but they looked over at the sleeping Kaia. At the break of dawn, Kaia is dancing in the fields; but she stops and looked over at the morning sun coming up and can see a new day has come upon her. In reality, Kaia was taking a walk in the city when she saw someone playing violin and wonders who that it, she leanred that it's a pretty song. When the song finished; everybody applauded. "You know." thought Kaia, "Gerth and the others had helped me out in so many ways. I think I found my freedom and found a good place to start my life at its new beginning." 

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