People might wonder, 'What is the Temple Grandin theory?' The Temple Grandin theory is known as the philosophy of autism and their squeeze machine. While staying with her relatives; Grandin discovers of cows slaughter by something that soothes them, a squeeze machine. This squeeze machine helped Temple to overcome her own problem of being hugged because she was autistic and did not liked to be hug. My 'squeeze machine' is my iTouch, it's silly as it sounds but it helps me with the fact that I hate the unfamiliar sounds, for example: laughter. This happened to me in my childhood: At the time; I did not had an iPod yet and I knew the rules of bringing a CD player is off limits to school so I knew I couldn't break the rules.
Back in elementary; I would hide myself in the bathroom of school whenever a movie was playing. It sounds foolish to do but I couldn't deal with the noise out there! In middle school, I have grown out of the habit of concealing myself in the school restroom and end up dealing with it but it felt like experiencing a traumatic moment there. It was really that bad and nobody could understood...I felt like I could not belong. Nobody understood my pain, nobody did not know what it was like and I could not find a place of belonging. But thanks to my 1-on-1 teacher that introduced me into a program called Panic Away & my 'squeeze machine', iTouch, that helps me involved of fun. Temple Grandin was mentioned by my mother, she told me about her because there was a biopic movie of her being diagnosed with autism, her struggles and her battles as well as her accomplishments.
For those of you that don't know about Asperger's Syndrome, Here are the symptoms of this condition:
*Sensitivity to specific stimuli such as overreacting to a fluorescent light, covering ears for loud sounds, or choosing to wear only one material clothing
*Weighted interests in a single category that trump "normal" activities, i.e. the pursuit of a narrow field of knowledge
*The pursuit may encompass an enormous amount of detail on the subject. Difficulties with two-sided communication and non-verbal communication
*Social isolation due to inability to poor social skills and narrow interests, rather than the severe withdrawal from the world seen in classical autism
*Abnormal eye contact
*Failure to turn when called by name
*Lack of emotional regulation
*Overly proper speech or strange voice inflections. Sometimes there is difficulty matching the volume of their voice to the situation, such as talking too loudly in a library, or talking too softly in a noisy restaurant. Engaging in unusual and repetitive routines
*Motor delays and clumsiness
*Little common sense.
*Self-obsessed dialogue; inability to show empathy. It should be noted that the apparent lack of empathy is not because Aspies are uncaring, but rather due to lack of awareness
*While individuals with autism and Asperger's have less ability to ascertain other's feelings, they demonstrate equal empathy when they are aware of others' states of mind. Autistic and AS people actually have a greater response to stress that they witness others experiencing than neurotypical people do.
As for the Panic Away? Allow me to explain: It is an anxiety calming 'first aid kit', which explains that anxiety is a chemical imbalance. It's like an alarm system for your body and here is the 'cure' to you.
1. Observe your anxiety coming up.
2. Embrace it by imagining your anxiety as a child throwing a tantrum, or a cartoon character.
3. Demand more from your anxiety by counting
4. Trust yourself that you are in control of your anxiety
*Don't forget to use the 7 minute exercise: Breathe, say the words 'relax and release, and use a heart link memory to help you out.
Setbacks are normal: Just when it feels like you accomplished so much, you might experience setbacks but don't fall in defeat--There's one thing you should remember is the confidence of many accomplishments in the past.
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