episode: Lewis Carroll Myth (Second Season Premiere)
The preface begins with an image of Jacob and William Grimm and the narrator spoke out: "The Grimm Brothers are known for their works of fairy-tales such as Little Red Riding Hood, Three Little Pigs, Beauty and the Beast, Rapunzel, The Frog Prince and other enchanting fables that have been re-told over and over again for generations in our lifetime." The image of the Grimm Brothers fade as the image of Charles Dodgson aka Lewis Carroll. Thus, the narrator continues, "Lewis Carroll is known for his works such as Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass but what will happened if Alice in Wonderland crossover with Grimm Fairytales? Sounds of an interested story for Katherine and Neo Phobia." When she was an infant; Lacey was born in Belleville, Ontario, Canada but at the age of 7, she moved to Westminster, England where she and her family meets a young teenager taking photos outside the cathedral one day, His name is Lewellen Charlton and becomes a close friend to Lacey while also a prodigy to Addison Dawn, the Dean of Oxford University, which Dawn's wife--Evangela--is a college teacher at the college. Lacey, her sisters: Madison "Maddie", Elsa, Lois, Varda and Yolanda are home-schooled while also staying in touch with Lewellen! At the age of 10; Lacey learns that Elsa--her oldest sister--and Lewellen are secretly known as lovers that plan to run away together to start their new lives!
One night, A tragedy occured: A demented Lewellen snuck into the Dawn Manor while demanding to see Elsa and brandishes a gun in his hand as he open fire on the chandlier. Lacey, Madison "Maddie", Elsa, Lois, Varda and Yolanda who were watching this scene, hurry to the dining room as Celia, Maddie, Hal, Cedric, Lois, Varda, Elsa, Dylan, Yolanda were hid by their mother in a closet-like cabinet. The girls witnessed Lewellen holding the gun at Addison and Evangela, who demands to know why is he doing this, Lewellen pleas that he loves Elsa and shots Addison & Evangela; killing them. Dazed of the gun shot and the sight of their parents on the ground, bleeding; Elsa & Lacey weeps in agony Lois, Varda, Yolanda & Maddie comforts them before the police came. Lacey learns that Jon had left after he shot the boys while this left the poor young girl in shock and anger of her close friend would betray her and her family! But she wasn't the the other one: Elsa became traumatized with fear as in the future when she grows up, She will be an insane yet malicious young lady--The Queen of Hearts will be her nickname. Yolanda and Varda will be working for Elsa under the nicknames: Yolanda as 'Tweedledum' and Varda as 'Tweedledee'. Lois will be working for Maddie under the nicknames: Lois is 'The Mad Hatter' while Maddie will be known as the nickname 'Cheshire Cat'.
After school, Kathy's cellphone rings and gets a phone call from Fabrice Rigel: "Attention Miss Donovan! You and Anna are consigned on a task to BleMarmaro." Kathy leaves to catch the bus and meets Anna at Sawgrass Mills Mall while they enter the mall to find a portal near in the heart of the mall and transport into BleMarmaro. The duo meet up with Anferney, Sheba, Nettie, Tov, Derek, Auburn, Liesel, Corin, Brenton, Nikki and Miguel. They go to a place called Marchenland, where they are confronted by Lewellen, who demands to know more of Neo Phobia. He sees Anferney and demands for some information if he really is an agent. Anferney, trembling at the young man's ominous attitude, shows him his badge while looking brave. Lewellen takes a good look at it at it as he asked Anferney if he really is an agent and Anferney replies that he is! Lewellen is suffering of a hallucination before passing out. Lewellen wakes up in Neo Phobia as he is alone however he is haunted of telepathic thoughts from Lacey, who reminds him of what he done and Lewellen is suffering of spiritual and mental anguish of his murderous sin against the Dawn family: His overzealous loyalty towards Addison and Evangela got the best of him and it ends tragically with a bullet in the cardiac muscles.
Lacey used to have blonde hair, a rosy cheeked face and her green blue eyes were sparkling. Now her hair is dark brown hair, a pale complexion and her green blue eyes were not twinkling anymore. Lacey lives with her uncle and aunt. She's no longer a happy girl, Lacey is a mirth yet anger young lady! She tortures Lewellen into a cynical yet macabre Wonderland where the anthropomorphic animals are vicious creatures, the Mad Hatter is a sick yet mildly insane scientist and there is a war of the White Kingdom versus the Red and Hearts Kingdom. There is also a monster duel of the Jabberwocky versus the Griffin: The Griffin falls and the White Kingdom has fallen while Jon hears overwhelming telepathic messages from Lacey: "Are you suggested as a paedophila?", "Overwhelmed by migraine headaches?", "Seizures causes a madman to lose focus on reality.", "Do you not want to proceed your holy orders to Principal Dawn? It's against the rules and it's supposed to be for a master's degree." Lewellen screams in terror of being tortured as he gives out an oration towards Lacey telepathically as an apology towards her and her family for such dementia he caused for the reason that he had such an obsession and Lacey has an instant change of heart!
Kathy saves Brenton and Corin in time and protects them from the were-monsters however she is punched in the face. Knocked out; Kathy has a dream that she is sleeping, dressed in a nightgown & barefoot, and having a dream of falling from a skyscraper. Tossing and turning, She awakens and is seen making her way to the window. Kathy climbs the building to the window where Brenton is playing the guitar. Brenton notices Kathy's presence and opens the window, which causes Kathy to lose her balance but she grabs the ledge. Brenton attempts to reach her when Kathy lets go and falls down with Brenton screaming her name. Kathy is seen falling but it turns out to be a dream because she is fast asleep in her room and it was all a dream! In another dream; Kathy is seen next to a fountain, Her arms and legs are bandaged while putting them in the water. She lies atop scaffolding and on the hood of a car, she seems to be watching children jumping rope and playing soccer. Meanwhile in a different scenario of the dream; Anferney is sullen and withdrawn. He is seen wearing casual clothes and bare feet. His shoulders sag and his head slumps forward while looking at pictures of snow.
Anna is seen advertising for a commercial for a product and says at the end through a cheery grin. In another scene; She's posing in luxurious tresses and dangling diamond earrings. The scenes show her as an extreme motorcycle girl, who drinks the sports drink in order for the drink to have the opportunity to 'be somebody' before driving away. Anna is seen in her room as she seems depressed, rips violently at the magazine photo shoot she took before and playing feebly with a Barbie doll with pink hair. She is seen being taunted by two girls, who call her a 'probing dummy' and Anna is seen in the mirror of her room before breaking the mirror, causing her hand to bleed. Later, Anna is seen at the balcony, crying & screaming at the billboard of Tavish Sextus that 'you can't save me." In the next sequence of the dream; Kathy is seen in a snowy cemetery, showing her emotions of sorrow and happiness as she is seen sinking into a black lake and is shown underwater while being surrounded by jellyfish. In another scenario of the dream; There is several skyscrapers and a warehouse with a stage converted inside, Kathy--dressed in a dark dress and makeup--dances in the club while singing along with the song but she suddenly leaves the warehouse club and heads out into the night of the metropolis.
She is seen 'glide walking' through a train station, streets and a bridge: Kathy is running through the bridge and jumps on the other side, landing perfectly on her feet, she meets up with Anna as the two are walking to the beach before into the sea, which symbolizes a new beginning for the both of them! Waking up from the dream; Kathy is seen in some chamber where blonde haired ladies attack her and start clawing them: The girls are zombie-like demonic beings with their faces changing into gnarled looks and white eyes. Kathy is horrified as she butchers the vixens, which they die with grins on their faces and Kathy pants in terror. Anna is seen of flashing lights as demonic-looking zombies are harassing her so much however she takes a gun and shoots them all! She goes to meet up with Kathy, who grabs her hand as the two girls runs down the hallway to a stage-like platform where they are reunited with the other agents of Neo Phobia. They are facing a boss, which takes the form of a pale man with veins shown on his arms and his face twist in anguish, anger and he screams out Kathy's name! Kathy is horrified as she spoke softly with stuttering in her tone, "D-Dad?" Neo Phobia is shocked that the monster is taking the form of Kathy's father!
Kathy is terrified of the demonic-looking zombies coming from the audience as she fights them from climbing onto the stage. She suddenly does a reckless stunt by diving into the zombie crowd as she imagines herself underwater; screaming, laughing bitterly, growling and shrieking. She is seen looking up and swimming towards the surface. Kathy resurfaces from the zombies as she is seen walking afloat on them before facing the boss and uses her psychokinesis, "Stay away from this place, Dad! Daddy, I love you but please stop this! I hate what you're doing to me and my family! STAY AWAY!" Her screaming cause the beast to shriek in an inhuman cry as it melts. Kathy and the others cheer before escaping from the building as it starts to burn. Kathy and the others escape in time as they watch the place burn before leaving. Lewellen is found by Lacey, who forgives him and would like to assist him! She frees him from his anguish and gives him the paranormal powers! Shocked by his new supernatural gifts; Jon is pleased and would like to discover his new fantasy world known as 'Grimm Wonderland'. In the epilogue; A tear sheds from Kathy's eye.
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