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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Byronica: Can't Be Tamed

"I Know Who Killed Me"

Dana is having nightmares of her parents in a car accident but she in the second dream is where she is tied up, gagged and is watching in horror as innocent lives are being butchered by a serial killer name Barnett Beecher. 

Then, Dana wakes up with a blood curdling scream but is being comforted by a 15-year-old boy name Linnton Eldridge and his older brother, 18-year-old Addison. The brothers claim to be childhood friends but Dana doesn't know them as the brothers are left confused & distraught!

Linnton tries to bring Dana's memories by showing her pictures of friends and family. The young woman sees a picture of her, Addison, Linnton & a blonde haired girl. Dana asked Linn about the girl and he tells her that it's another childhood friend, Winnie. She is now 16 & works as a mechanic!

Meanwhile; Terence, Autumn & Juno wakes up in the darkness of a cave. They are frightened by traumatic memories that haunts them until a cloaked figure helps the out of the cave and into the shining light from the hot sun! The cloaked figure is a cyborg, after revealing himself, name Acim. 

He introduces them to his freaky friends: Alexis Taft, Kessie Moser, Alyssa Blysse Lexer, Darence Creed, Ewan Faust, Kaylee Ripley & Rikki Raines. Alexis is the Octopus Girl. Kessie is the Eel Girl. Darence is the Bleeding Boy. Alyssa Blysse is the Girl with the Eye Patch. Ewan is the Demon Eater. Kaylee is the Phantasm Mentalist and Rikki is the Animal Speaker.

The gang travel further into the city at night. They accidently bump into a girl name Adelle Orland, who says hi before walking. Shocked that she didn't scream; Acim chases after her, "Hey! You didn't scream when you saw me!"
Adelle is shocked to see a cyborg and his freakish friends but she wants to take pictures of them!

Acim and the others are shocked at this strange girl but they hear a strange noise and they go to find out where it's coming from but they are confronted by a dark figure. The figure claims to be the Dark Protector, He wants Adelle as his hostage and she accepst but she asked him to come into the light.

The figure reveals to be a 15 year old boy with blood all over him! Adelle gasped however, she accepts and leaves her new friends behind. The boy leads her to a strange place, his hideout, and warns her to not go out at night alone. Adelle wonders why is he so harsh!

Alone & depressed; The boy's name is Dennis Peyton. A dhapmir with a very horrible past: His family was killed by the humans and Dennis hated them all, He plans to end the human race but a dark faerie place a curse on him by giving him a painful park on his shoulder.

The dark faerie tells him that he has one year to find someone to love him or he will suffer for all eternity in hell. Dennis learns that his best friend, Ty Hines, who is covered in incisions from being tortured while two girls, that used to pick on: Donna Steven & Claire Margaux, who are being treated for their avulsions but still carry the scars! 

Dennis must find a for Adelle to love him, His friends try to give him advice but he can't do it because she doesn't like him! That's when; Donna, Claire and Ty encourage him and he goes to talk but she refuses to talk about herself. Dennis noticed that her left arm & hand is covered.

Dennis wants to know what is she hiding but Adelle didn't want him to see. After a violent struggle; Dennis learns why Adelle is hiding her left arm: It is deformed! It had been like that since she was born. Dennis comforts her, he knows that he is not the only who feels "beastly"!  
Meanwhile; A nurse comes in to check up on Dana's progress. Addison and Linnton asked her if they can spend the night and the nurse said it's fine but warns them about the rules, The boys nodded and the nurse left. Linn asked Dana remembers anything but she doesn't and Addison says harshly that she's a "good for nothing bitch".

Linnton stands up for Dana, who is silently weeping over Addison's words. Dana wants to be alone for a few minutes and the boys leave to take this disagreement outside. The nurse returns but she sedates Dana and smiles slyly!

When the Eldridge Brothers' return; They found Dana gone and go out to find her but are sedated by someone! They wake up to see the kind nurse sharpening something. The nurse remove the mask & disguise: Barnett Beecher has returned! Dana is tied up and gagged but she is going to die.

Addison and Linnton manage to break free from their bonds to save her but Addison is about to kill Barnett with his own weapon from his metal arm but Linn stopped him in time! Addie's knife nearly slash his brother but he caught it and the palm of his hand begins to bleed. 

"You're going to a lot better cutting up, Brother." The distressed older brother is crying uncontrollably over the fact that he was afraid for Dana, Addie feared for his own life too! Later after Beecher was arrested; Dana reveals that she got her memories back and embraces the two brothers.

Dana, Addison & Linnton cry together, It was the most hardest thing for them and Belle saw it all in her musing clairvoyance visions! Then, she vows to herself that she will avenge them by making Barnett Beecher pay for his crimes!      

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