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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Amazon Star: Bedlamites & Hedonists

episode: Lift Me Up

The preface begins with the song, Lift Me Up, by The Afters is performing in the background while a silhouetted girl is seen seated in a chair along with her legs crossed and her hands folded in her lap as she spoke, "An unknown author once said: 'The person who said: All is fair in love and war, Obviously wasn't the person being hurt!' Nothing is fair with love when somebody uses you and there is a war of emotions like anger and feeling blue, How horrible it is to feel such hate towards someone that once used you, pretended to have feelings for you....It hurts but I remember what it says in Jeremiah 29:11--'For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' I pray to believe that it is true for I am broken inside and I would do anything for hope." The girl stood up and left. 

Anna was at a club in BleMarmaro, where she meets Garland. The two dance together as they liplock together but Anna gets kidnapped by Garland after he accept his invitation to come to his manor. Kathy begins to worry about her friend because she (Anna) hasn't been responding to her emails when all of a sudden, Kathy gets a phone call from Amanda: "Kathy, We got trouble!" Moments later, Katherine is at Neo Phobia where she finds out that Anna has been kidnapped and has visions of her where Anna might be so she, Amanda, Anferney, Nettie, Sheba, Brenton, Corin and Jordan head over to the trail of a mansion known as the Kingsley Manor--Home to Herman Kingsley, A madman with a hunger for power and is no father figure to his children for he treats them like servants & guards! Herman is diagnosed with bipolar disorder as well as psychopathy, His 'kids' had already grown up: Lot is a tall yet brutal man with superhuman strength and a blood thirsty need to fight. Luke is a gentleman with superhuman speed, stamina & reflexes against his greatest opponents. 

After sneaking into the Kingsley Manor; Kathy and the others are confronted by Lot and Luke, who would like for them to come to meet Herman however Kathy refuses because she is looking for Anna. Nettie tries to settle down the others from fighting but Lot is becoming eager to battle until a figure approaches: Madeline "Maddie" Kingsley leads everyone to the throne room of Herman, who is eager to meet Katherine as he has a tactile connection with her. Anna had a strange dream that confuse her: She was seen crying alone when Tavish Sextus, Renata, Pedro, Travon and Ardon appear before her. Tavish surprises Anna by outstretching his hand towards her and Anna takes it! Anna awakens to see Kathy next to her but they noticed someone else in here: A young lady name Anemone, who is strapped in a chair, she is wearing a straitjacket that has words all over it: Burn the Witch, Electra the Butcher must die, Justice to us all--Death to Electra and other horrible things. Amanda realizes that Anemone is the girl who is known as the identity of Electra the Butcher--which shocks the others. Katherine can see the former cult priestess in bondage of her grief, pain and mourning as she can almost read her mind about herself going after pacifists which her mother was one of them because she thought her mother never loved her for she had a busy job however Anemone saw a film of herself as an infant with her mother and she becomes a change of heart. Kathy lets go as she suddenly emphasizes Anemone so much. That's when Anemone is heaving of choked-up breathing and gasps out that she wishes to die.

Just then, Katherine steps forward to the young lady and looks carefully at her. She asked Anemone if she can hear her and Anemone that she can before begging for her death. Katherine asked her if she wishes to die because of being known as 'Electra the Butcher' but gets into a squabble between the hysterical girl and Jordan has ended; Katherine and the others free Anemone and Anna but Anna tells them of her infatuation for Garland, She tells the others about her romance with him however Kathy learns that Garland has the ability to manipulate emotions of others so Garland has been using her as Anna refuses to believe this. Kathy and the others decide to take revenge against the Kingsley family by luring Garland into a trap and holding him hostage unless Maddie is forced to help them find a secret entrance to take down Herman. Garland taunts Anna about her feelings of love as he states that he never really loved her at all. Anna, now heartbroken to hear the truth, is enraged and uses her staff against him but is stopped by Kathy when the staff destroys Garland for bringing such harm towards Anna. In the meantime, Madeline helps Brenton and Corin to the secret passage as she finally uses her powers against them nevertheless they don't work as Madeline is upset so Corin tells her about fear is something so powerful that some people may have a hard time to deal with and tells Maddie briefly about his past. 

Herman is about to kill Katherine when Amanda and Anemone came to her aid, eliminated Herman and the rest of his family as they were destroyed forever. Anemone becomes an official member of Neo Phobia as she bonds closely towards Nettie, who gives her comfort. Meanwhile; Anna is seen at Neo Phobia HQ, where she is grief-stricken over being a fool! She couldn't believe that the boy she fell in love with was using her and threw her away like she was a pawn. Anna's heart is heavy and the hurt is deep so much that she falls to her knees, sobbing uncontrollably but she feels someone is standing before her: Tavish Sextus, Renata, Pedro, Travon and Ardon! Anna wipes her tears away but Tavish outstretches his hand as Anna is shocked that her dream, that she once had, actually came true! Dazed with this change of heart; Anna quivers, while reluctantly and flummoxed of this, takes Tavish's hand as she stands up on her feet. She walks with Sextus as she wonders why is he being so nice after what he been through before with her and Kathy! Anna is seen talking to Tavish and his crew as she is misunderstood about why does Sextus is being so nice. Tavish says that he knows what's it is like to be crestfallen because he was one a long time ago before he pulls out a Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Soundtrack Smiling with heartrending tears in her eyes after taking the soundtrack; Anna chokes out that 'nice guys shouldn't get their heart broken' and embraces him. 

Amazon Star: Bedlamites & Hedonists

Hey guys, Amazon Star is living large for February. Here's another Valentine's Day episode, OK! Not really but it is somehow an infatuation episode. Enjoy!

episode: Army of Me

The preface begins with an RV, where four people sleeping and Katherine smiles while she watches them dozed. The RV stops abruptly as Kathy goes to see what it is and she is shocked to see zombies there. Two weeks before: A mysterious boy is being brutalizing him and is left for dead however he awakens as he wounds healed somehow! The boy is shocked to find out that his skin is Albino white, He realize it is about that time of night. The boy reveals to be the son of the Snow Queen after he was sent by his mother to find Anferney Carmine. His name is Kai Timberwolf, a cold persona loner with the power of ice and light! Kai is the second charismatic heartthrob but he seems to much better than Anferney when they were younger. Upset of thinking the past; Kai goes around to cause trouble and blames it on Anferney, who learns about it eventually so he and Sheba search for the plagiarist. Kathy goes to Neo Phobia after learning about this, She accidently meets Kai, who is charmed by Katherine's ingenue characteristic beauty. Anferney confronts Kai as she is shocked to see his childhood friend.

Kai and Anferney fights each other as Katherine tries to stop but she is accidently gets injured however her wound is healed instantly. Just then, A figure stops the fight between Anferney and Kai: A mysterious gypsy woman name Dahlia Westley with gorgeous hair and piercing eyes: She is a sorceress and is Kai's partner with powers of the electric storm. Dahlia is the childhood friend of Sheba as they greet each other with ease but Katherine has a vision of 'strange activity' going on so the others go to check it out. They stumble across a ploy set up by someone: An eccentric yet sexy young lady name Love Valentine has set a trap as Katherine and the others sprang it 'gloriously'. Love is hosting a stimulating colosseum and holds different trials for Katherine and the gang. During these trials; Kai saves Katherine as he stands up for himself towards Valentine, who falls for Timberwolf so she calls for a 5 minute break! While on the five minute break; Love had her heart broken a lot and vowed to not let any man get too close. She wonders if she should fall for a guy again. 

Love reveals to be the faerie princess of earth and water, she test her skills on her loved one and she ends up overpowered by Kai, who stabs her in between the breasts however Kai and Kathy saves her life. Love is touched that Kai saved her life however she is upset when she is mocked by Sheba and Nettie until Kai stands up for her, resulting Love to blush as she ends the trail while congratulating them. Love stares at Kai as her heart slightly accelerates a bit! When she got home; Love found a package from her 'guardian angel' of playlist soundtracks and listens to 'Carousel' by Vanessa Carlton. She also reads the letter from the guardian angel: "Follow your heart, It'll tell you what's right!" The package and letter is from Eurydice, who was also the one that spied on her when Love did not know when to fall for Kai or not. Katherine is seen in her room, listening to Selena Gomez's A Year Without Rain! She cannot let go of the feeling from sensation of Love's sentiment for Kai and she vowed to herself that she will help Miss Valentine protect the one she loves. Meanwhile as she is talking with Sheba, Dahlia expresses herself as she is insecure about herself. She rejects her best friend's advice because she heard things like that before. It is revealed that she has a crush on Ulrich Emmett, who is a childhood friend of Dahlia and has feelings for her since they are now old enough however Ulrich is shy to admit to his feelings. 

A dark amusement bedlam criminals called the Harlequinade Cirque: Harlequin (aka Nathaniel Mercury), Columbine (aka Dana Fox) and Pantaloon (aka Jason Mercury) with their lackeys: Pierrot and Clown. They present something to their leader, Faust Osborn, of a card key. Faust says that this card is useless and he breaks it. He tells them that they are a disgrace to his squad until Clown speaks out towards Faust and he eventually gets tasered by Osborn--He gets tasered so badly that he coughs out blood! After Clown is sent to get some help; Faust brings out his next plan to target Katherine Donovan and her Neo Phobia group however Harlequin calls it 'crazy' however Alice, Lita and Milena appears as Faust is annoyed to see them but lightly banters with them, telling about his next plan which excites the three girls. Later after returning on a mission; Katherine is seen in a RV, the driver is Eurydice and the other passengers are: Kai Timberwolf, Love Valentine, Dahlia Westley and Ulrich Emmett. Katherine is watching the four of them sleep peacefully in the bunks they were in until a horrible sound made everyone jump. Kathy goes to check it out from Eurydice and is shocked to find out that it is zombies! 

Kathy, Kai and Dahlia fight the zombies as they seem to work together to defeat them but they face Faust and managed to whoop his ass good. Katherine leaned over at him and says, "Mess with me and you will mess with a whole army of me!" Later; Katherine is seen watching over Love hanging out with Kai and she begins to sing softly to a familiar tune: "Have you ever seen such a beautiful night? I could almost kiss the stars, they're shining so bright. When I see you smiling, I go: 'Oh, oh, Oh!'. I would never want to miss this, in my heart I know what this is. This is what dreams are made out of, this is what dreams are made out of, I got somewhere I belong, I got somebody to love, this what dreams are made out of." While she sang; Brenton and Corin can hear her sing--They can see her glow in the moonlight and are love-strucked to see this sight. But they are not the only ones that notice this, Eurydice is shocked at the fact that Katherine is becoming an ethereal being, she can see water forming as Katherine was singing! Eurydice is shocked to find out about Kathy's possibly new powers!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Amazon Star: Bedlamites & Hedonists

Hey everyone, Katherine Donovan here! Axe has released their two new fragrances and has fans setting up their own graphic novel called Axe Anarchy so I created this episode that is based on what's going on. Whew! This is going to be fun, enjoy. :) P.S. BTW; The new character's appearance, Mai Karr, is based on the most beautiful model yet: Miranda Kerr. (This episode is sponsored by AXE Anarchy--I hope the creators are OK with this) This also set for Valentine's Day so I hope you guys enjoy this.

episode: Axe Anarchy

The preface shows a commercial of AXE's new fragrance and also a graphic novel for fans to create for themselves, it is called Axe Anarchy! AXE is the well-known deodorant product as Katherine Donovan and her friends of Neo Phobia hears about it and they work as a team to come up with some great ideas for the graphic novel! But the problem was that everyone has writer's block so Kathy gives people a chance to think. Cleo is having a hard time to think of some ideas however she fantasies about Brenton and Corin, she suddenly jolts from her erotic delusions and starts writing. Katherine looks over her shoulder to see as she is impressed of her work, saying she should some of these to post on the comment board and Cleo reluctantly does! The same thing happens with Brenton when he daydreams upon Sheba, he snaps out of it and starts to write. But he is not the second only person but everyone does too. Katherine is amazed at the exiguous, irresistibly hot and the fantasies are shockingly stimulating to her from reading the thoughts of others. She soon daydreams of her own stuff and she writes it down and post her ideas on the comment board, which is on You Tube. One day; The shocking phenomenon happens when Kathy and the others find out that some of them are created as characters. They are so excited about this but their happiness turns into utter horror when they discovered that Alice, Milena and Lita are created characters too; They have their own ideas that were also popular too! 

Brenton is disgusted by Milena's ideas and he believes that they are based on him. Kathy remarks, "Good God...She thinks she sounds so hot, she is a dirty minded b**ch!" Nettie points out that she just said a verbally bad word, Kathy ask in bewilderment: "What the hell am I, a child? I'm just saying!" Sheba remarks that Lita's ideas aren't too bad, nor Alice's but Milena's are plain dirty! "What is she trying to do, Make Axe Anarchy sound like porno?" demanded Sheba. "I guess." replied Katherine. So Katherine logs off as she and her friends believe that Milena ruined the 'happiest moment of their lives' & they decide to go out to clear their heads by going to Sawgrass Mills Mall and the store, FYE, for any anime DVDs on sale. While there; Brenton is reading a fanzine when something caught him by surprise and hurries to show Katherine about it. In the fanzine; A virginal young lady is supporting Axe Anarchy and she is the most beautiful maiden of all time! The fresh face mannequin's name is Mai Karr, she is known as the sexy parody version of Lisa Garland from Silent Hill, under the name, Florence Nightingale--The Virtue Paragon. Mai Karr has a beautiful figure, has dimples and is the perfect girl-next-door model: Although she has childish features that make her look like she's 15-16; Mai is really 19 years old! One of the greatest things about Mai doesn't look stupid or act stupid, she is very intelligent and very thin. She is also known for her model for Victoria's Secret lingerie. 

Katherine is amazed at this as she learns that Mai might be the greatest maiden yet! They buy the magazine and Katherine, Brenton & the gang go back home to dig research on Mai Karr: She started modeling when she 13 after winning a contest and she modeled for a younger girls apparel for a magazine called Doretta. They learn that Mai will have a photo-shoot coming soon that will take place at Broward Mall so Kathy and the others head over there to see Miss Karr dressed as Wonder Woman but it is cut short when a hurricane ruins it all! Even Mai is then knocked out unconsciously while Katherine and the others step into action to help everyone. In the meantime; 
Mai wakes up after getting hit and she sees a figure taking her bag, she sees this as she hurries to catch the thief. She stops when she sees the figure: Brenton! He says her name while his hand trembles, Mai surprises him by saying his name. Mai remembers him because he was the guy that she rescued a long time ago: Mai was swimming in the ocean when she sees Brenton leaning over the pier, she was enamored by the sight of him however a hurricane occurs and Brenton was cast out into the water by the wind's force! Mai swim over to save him from drowning. Just then; Mai runs over to him and hugs him, she sobs while embracing him but pulls away and says, "This must be a dream....No...It's not, it's really you!" She wipes her tears away and talks to him about what is he doing here, Brenton ask her about Axe Anarchy & Mai told him that she was thinking about starring as one of the leading characters! 

Brenton is surprised at this as he has a fantasy of him and her as 'chaos erupts' but Brenton shakes his head, laughing. Mai ask him what is so funny and Brenton replies: "Just a stupid reverie." Mai giggles however she sees Katherine and the others approaching, she sees them and greets them. Kathy ask her what is going on and Mai says that she knew Brenton from the past. This interest Katherine greatly as she and Mai are hanging out when Kathy sees her mark of something known as the Amazon Star so she decides to research upon it. While on the Web; Mai learns that she was one of Faust's creations, Project: Amazon Star. Katherine is shocked to discover this as she learns about Mai's horrible past: She was sexually abused under the age of 11 by her father. Mai was silent at that time until she ran away from the abuse and she becomes broken after learning that her sister, Janet, was killed while falling down and getting hit by a train. Katherine and Mai learns also that Faust had brainwashed Amanda and Anemone into becoming insane characters: Elektra and Tertia! Osborn uses lobotomy technology to do this against the two girls and created their own imagination of sadism as well as total tormenting disaster. Later; Katherine and the others, including Mai, learn that Milena's stories got rejected somehow and everyone--except Brenton--laughs about it casually. Brenton is uptight about it, he leaves as Mai ask him what is the matter and Brenton tells her about what Milena did to him and Corin. Mai is shocked at this but she nor Brenton know that Cleo are watching them with twitching eyes, quivering lips and clenching fists. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Amazon Star: Bedlamites & Hedonists

episode: Vigilante Vixen

The prologue shows a slideshow and a narration about women are mostly targeted as rape victims but the narrator says men are also rape victims to women! The preface shows an enraged Cleo that is covered in blood and panting as Milena is shocked at this sight, she demands what is she planning to do to with the weapon and Cleo replies: "This is vengeance, this is also my salvation." before attacking her. Two weeks before: Friday afternoon during quitting time; Brenton and Corin go out to a dive bar, where they meet a sexual appealing young woman, who is Milena in disguise! During her 'flirtatious work'; Milena stun guns the boys, kidnapped them and leave them each in a sound proof storage room while locking them in. The next day; Milena set up each chambers of TV, music, posters of rock bashing bands for example: Breaking Benjamin, a mirror and a bucket as a toilet. They were warned that they would stay there for a while until Milena can decide what to do with them. 

A few hours; Milena would come to give the boys some food, she would talk to them and she has a sexual crave for them. One day, she enters with a chocolate milkshake and she attempts seduction but Brenton resists. However the temptress insists as Brenton kicks the milkshake at Milena, she is angry and she strips off her clothes: She sexually assaults Brenton, who writhes in agony, Milena does the same thing to Corin! She rapes them each, once more, while forcing the two into a shower. Milena finds this pleasurable, she assures the neighbors--who would hear the gasps and stifled wimpers--that they were enjoying it but Corin and Brenton did not as they find that Milena needs serious help because she's a crazy yet sick flirty girl! Milena explains the reason of rape is because the celestrial beings want her to reach orgasm--even if it means losing her virginity! Both of them are left with mental yet emotional scars of the carnal abuse towards her, they are terrified to be victims of sexual abuse to a madwoman that lust for boys like them! 

After one week; Milena uses a key to unlock the handcuffs, gives them new clothes and she has a boxcutter as she tortures them as well as giving them slash marks across their bodies. Once she is done; Milena lets them go however she tells them to run faster or she'll kill them! Brenton & Corin got dressed as they escape from Payne. They are finally found by Katherine and Chloe, who are overwhelmed however they are shock to discover that they have cuts however Brenton & Corin refuse to say what happened. Since the day they return; Brenton & Corin are back to their old lives when Corin had to be hospitalized after a co-worker saw him self-harming to his own arm. Brenton develops different fears: Genophobia (Coitophobia), Gynophobia and Agraphobia. He has been diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder after a sexy woman flirts with him & has a panic attack. Kathy is seen wrapped in a towel until she bumps into Brenton, who seduces her and they share a kiss--It was soft yet passionate until it turned out to be a dream Katherine just had! The next day; She is fidgeting during her sessions with Amanda, who learns about her erotic dream! Later; Cleo is  seen talking to Brenton and Corin, who tells her about the sexual assault that Milena committed. 

Cleo is enraged about this and she plans revenge against Milena so she leaves quietly before she goes to Tov and Derek to borrow some weapons. They refuse however they give her a great weapon for slicing: A trench knife! Cleo smiles as she thanks them, she goes off to find Milena but she decides to let her know that she is coming to avenge Brenton and Corin! Cleo kills her dames and her guards in order to get her attention and it works: Milena learns about Cleo's doing and she turns to Lita & Alice for help, but the girls will not be part of this because it was Milena's sick idea for sexually assaulting the boys in the first place so Milena blackmails that they'll face the bad consequences of being involved. In the meantime; Cleo is seen with the Valentine sisters, Claire and Heidi, as they murder more of the dames. They did all kinds of torment towards them: A bloody violent Russian Roulette, hamstringing the guards and crush them greatly. Cleo and the Valentine sisters are pleased with the sight of revenge but pray for absolution of sinning by committing one of the ten commandments: "That'll shall not murder." but they ask if the murderous revenge will be forgiven. 

Katherine learns from Tov and Derek about Cleo's whereabouts and she learns from Amanda that Brenton and Corin that they have been raped. Shocked; Kathy tells Sheba about in private and Sheba recoils in horror about learning this, she also is scared about Cleo's retribution against Milena. "That can't be!" Sheba gasped, "Women are the only victims that get rape." Katherine turns to her and speaks in a powerful emotionally yet ominous tone: "Oh no, Women are not just victims of rape but men are too." Sheba weeps over the boys' suffering as she did not know about it and Kathy comforts her. Later; Milena is seen relaxing because she believes that Cleo will not be coming around and she thinks it must be a silly rumor. She went into the house from her pool but she stops dead when she saw what is front of her: An enraged Cleo that is covered in blood and panting as Milena is shocked at this sight, she demands what is she planning to do to with the weapon and Cleo replies: "This is vengeance, this is also my salvation." before attacking her. Alice and Lita see this as they aid Milena but Claire and Heidi fights against the girls! 

The triple cat fight continues until Cleo pulls out the trench knife and is about to kill Milena however she decides to do something different: She takes the trench and cuts Milena's hair as we;; as her skin; torturing her! Milena screams in terror at this torment, Alice and Lita receive a different treatment: They get torture--without death involved--of being left with painful cuts. Cleo pulls the strands of hairs from her trench knife before licking the blood and replies with a ghoulish grin: "Sweet." "What is?" asked Alice. "Revenge is!" responds Cleo. Milena and her friends call them crazy, Cleo kicks them and threatens if they do that again then they'll face an 'army of herself'! Heidi and Claire echoes confirmations before leaving with her. Returning to Neo Phobia; Cleo tells Brenton and Corin what she done, The boys are shocked at this as they ask her why. Cleo admits her romantic feelings for them both and tries to seduce them but they back off. Cleo begs that she promise that she will not hurt them and almost falls into insanity! She weeps in anguish, she says that she avenge their suffering and 'this is the thanks I get' talk goes on as Brenton and Corin stares at her with mixed feelings: confusion, pity and horror. 

Amazon Star: Bedlamites & Hedonists

episode: Taking Over Me 
The preface shows a flashback: Lita tortures Travon mentally about Brighid: It is revealed that, during the traumatic experiments that Brighid and the two subjects, Travon loved her but that lust took its toll when Brighid became pregnant however after the child's birth, Tavish took the infant and later he returned it to Brighid which the baby is bleeding and is dead! Brighid is horrified at this as Travon was the most that was terrified. Travon begs Lita to stop this, Lita mocks him of his anguish and she tells him he is a bad influence as she (Lita) stabs Travon in his crotch, escaping as Travon is hospitalized and tormented from Lita's words! In the present; Travon is depressed as he talks to Daisy about the fact that he wished he would see his own child before he/she got killed. Daisy is confused so Travon told Daisy about his sexual romance with Brighid, which caused the poor girl to get knocked up however it ended badly by the cruel hands of his master, Tavish Sextus and Daisy pities him. Travon tells her not to give him pity because he believes that he deserves this kind of pain of mental and emotional anguish that he has been suffering for some time. 
Meanwhile: Two sisters, Ginger Viviani and Hatsy Madison, are seen arriving at Neo Phobia from their overseer name Byronica as they came here to help out with Dr. Tavish Sextus. The two sisters are escorted by Jordan, which he takes them to Sextus's quarters and Renata greets them. Tavish is surprised to meet this sisters until he is shocked to hear their names as he turns away and mutters to himself, "No...It can't be here." He turns them and gives them kindness to them. He lets his assistant/daughter give them a tour of the barracks, Renata gives the girls a tour of the place but she gives the girls a warning about Tavish as he may seem like a nice man but he is a cruel person with an insane of bloody yet obscene things that he enjoys so much. This made the sisters nervous but they are comforted by Renata, who helps them with a room that used to be Brighid's room! That night; Ginger and Hatsy start to have dreams about a woman in suffering as she is being experimented on! They would wake up screaming and they seem terrified. 

The next day while at their work stations, Hatsy & Ginger are greeted by Anna O'Wynn, who is here to work for Tavish Sextus but sarcastically remarks on what a great guy he is. Tavish says that he heard that as Ginger and Hatsy giggles silently. In the meantime; Anna, Ginger, Hatsy, Ardon, Travon and Pedro are seen at a chamber full of butterflies where there are many kinds of them! But something was wrong: The glassy-winged lepidopteran one was missing as Ginger ask Travon, who says that it was taken down as he explains that he did that. He says that he had a girlfriend name Brighid and the glassy-winged lepidopteran was made into pendant for her as a gift because he loved her so much. Pedro gagged out loud, irritating the others but he claimed that he was having trouble breathing! That's when Hatsy sees a glowing light coming from the other room and enters it slowly but she is attacked by someone as she is asked by the person that attacked her of what she remembers in her infant days. Hatsy claims that she doesn't know so the figure show her: There was Travon giving the glassy-winged lepidopteran necklet to Brighid, who accepts it gratefully. 
Brighid starts to feel heavy as she finds out that she's pregnant! After many weeks; Brighid learns that she is having fraternal twins! Once the babies were born; Tavish transported them to Nurse Sophia and her medics to care for the children. Tavish wrapped a doll baby in a bloody blanket as a cruel joke, but it was devastated for poor Brighid. Hatsy gasps after she pulls away, She pants as she finds that the figure is gone and looks up to be find Anna, Ginger, and the other boys looking down at Hatsy, who looks at Travon and whispers, "Daddy?" Anna, Ardon, Pedro and Ginger glances at Travon in shock! Travon confirms that it is true what Hatsy said: "I am your father, Hasty Madison." Hatsy is devastated at this as she broke down emotionally. She is hospitalized by the fact that she was about to choke on her own tongue, Ginger is told by Hatsy of what she discovered and Ginger is shocked but she is not sure so Hatsy shows Ginger. After being shown by her sister; Ginger understands now. Later; Ginger is seen in the quarters of the lab but she looks in the looking glass and sees a reflection of Brighid however when Ginger turns around, nobody is there: "Mother?" Ginger asked. 
Right behind her is darkness as glowing red eyes and sharp teeth are seen as a snake appears to pull Ginger inside! Ginger wakes up with a gasp as she pants that it was all a dream but she saw red eyes and sharp teeth as she begins to scream but Pedro appears to be the red eyes and sharp teeth monster for his eyes are red from all of the research. Pedro notices that she's shaken as he ask if she is all right. Ginger nods feebly, Katherine and the others enter as they wonder what is going on and Ginger spits out the truth that she might have saw mother and sure enough, the illusional comes to life when Brighid makes her appearance. Brighid corners Anna, Ginger, Hatsy, Travon, Ardon, Pedro and Renata as she attacks them but Katherine--who quickly comes to the rescue--shields herself from her mother, protecting Pedro from the madwoman. Brighid is on the verge to eliminate Travon but Ginger and Hatsy work together to protect Tracon while Brighid is upset by the betrayal of her own blood. Brighid is manipulating Hatsy, who is left confused, but Ginger and Travon stops her; allowing Brighid to get injured and she escapes. Later; Ginger starts weeping as she hugs Travon tightly, "You are my father and I am your daughter! None of that really changes a thing!!!" Travon is touched by this, he is emotionally choked up and Hatsy joins in the embrace with tears cascading down her face as the three of them weep. 

In the evening: Katherine is seen in a church as she prays aloud as if she was talking to someone. When she finished her beseeching; She wanders around the church as she begins to croon softly: "Waiting for the sunrise, waiting for the day, waiting for a sign that I'm where you want me to be. You know my heart is heavy and the hurt is deep, But when I feel like giving up.....You reminded me: That we all fall down sometimes, When I hit the ground.....You lift me up when I am weak, your arms wrap around me. Your love catches me so I'm letting go. You lift me up when I can't see. your heart's all that I need. Your love carries me so I'm letting go. You lift me up, your love (x4), You lift me up...."

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Amazon Star: Bedlamites & Hedonists

episode: The Puppeteer
The prologue starts off with Kathy, who is seen with Brenton and Corin as they are writing an eerie play that's based on Alvin Schwartz's Scary Stories series. After a long time of work to do this play to write about and getting permission from the copyright folks; Kathy and the boys got to write the script. They got eventually prepared for the show and they were able to work harder with the other actors and actresses for the show.  Once everything is in place; Everything goes perfectly! Once the show was over; Sheba came to congratulate them until a blood-curdling screams scares them: One of the actresses found her friend dead in the bathroom with a message on the mirror: "People can lick too!" and this scares Katherine, Brenton and Corin! Later, the detectives have come to ask Kathy about their killer that has been on the news however Kathy asked if she is in trouble, The detectives says that the killer had killed a dog that belonged to a teenage girl! This case rings a bell towards Kathy and she recognized it from a fictional scary story and demands to know if she is being accused of murdering that dog. The detectives assures her that they are not accusing anyone but they believe that they would like Kathy's help in this case. Those words made Kathy excited: She never helped the police before! She asked how can she be of help to them. 

The detectives pulls out a letter from the killer and Kathy reads a loud, "BEWARE! My killing sprees are based upon the eerie tales by my humble author name Alvin Schwartz! I will leave bodies and clues for you to find so you better watch out. Watch your backs because I will find you! Sincerely your friendly neighborhood butcher, The Puppeteer." Katherine is quite frightened at this. Late that night; A couple, Serena and Donnell, are seen on a date in the car but the radio cut to a news report about a lunatic is on the run. Serena decides to roll up the windows and lock the doors, Donnell agrees with her but Serena wants to go home. "But it's only ten o'clock! We don't get curfew anymore." complained Donnell. "I don't care what time it is, Donnell. I want to go home." insisted Serena. "Look, Serena. He's not gonna come up here and if he did, why the hell would he want to do that anyway?" "Donnell, He's a lunatic and he might have a weapon with him. He could use that weapon to break a window and open a door....I'm scared, Please take me home!" pleaded Serena. Peeved; Donnell reluctantly agrees with this as he mumbles about girls can be such a pain. 

Just as Donnell started the car; Serena could hear something scraped on her door but the vehicle drive away! Serena told here boyfriend that someone was trying to get in, Donnell brushes it off as nothing. As the car reached to Serena's driveway, Serena asked Donnell if he wants to come in for some cocoa however Donnell turns her down kindly and lets her out but he sees on the handle was a hook as it says in blood, "Hooked on you!In a university; A young lady is sleeping in her room but she hears someone singing "Oh Susanna!" and the woman tells her roommate to keep it down because she is trying to sleep. At the next hour; she heard the singing again and tells her roommate to shut up, then turns back to sleep. At the next hour; The singing is heard and the woman is annoyed as she gets up and removes the blanket from her roommate's body but the lady screams to find her friend's head had been chopped off and in blood, it says: "Oh Susanna! The Wendigo was here!" Later; A grave robber is trying to steal a ring from an old woman's finger and was about to cut it off however the corpse comes to life and kills the robber. The corpse turns out to be a puppet by the loose maniac, who has a thing for dead carcasses as puppets. The lunatic sings, "The Hearse Song, "You May Be Next" and "Ba Room" as he makes his corpse puppets dance to these eerie songs. 
The lunatic is seen reciting scary stories and poems, such as: "Alligators", "Just Delicious", "Such Things Happen", "A Man in Leads"  and "The Slithery D" before his gagging victims and killing them one by one after ending each poem/story! In a flashback; The lunatic is seen meeting a man name Bruce as he amuse and misuse towards the friend, who started acting weird all of a sudden such as he grunted, he start to grow taller, he stood up to leave outside and climb on the roof to canter all day & night until he finally stopped as the lunatic escape and has not seen Bruce in sight and starts to rejoice until he remembered his scary stories and goes back. Later; The lunatic is seen standing over his friend, who was killed, as the maniac stretch out his bloodied body to dry in the sun before carrying his body on the bus as the lunatic and his friend sat next to a girl, name Bessy, where the lunatic finally leaves and Bessy finds out that the man with his friend was murdered! Katherine calls Brunette, Ginger, Hatsy and Marion as she would like to have a sleep over but the truth is, Kathy is scared about the lunatic breaking in so the girls agree on staying with her for the night. The girls play a scary game for fun: The first game is "Dead Man's Brains". The second is "A Ghost in the Mirror", which they must chant a dead person's name 47--or 100--times. After repeating the dead person's name for the 100th time; That deceased person's face appears slowly and attempts to attack! But the lights are switch back on and the ghost vanished, resulting the game is over. 
Deciding that this was a difficult situation; Byronica & Dexter summons their freaky gang to help her on this investigation to find this loose inmate! While investigating; They stumble upon a haunted house as they enter it. They stay there until they are confronted by a pale-white complexion, bruises upon this skin, dark hollows around the eyes, long black hair and she wears an ebon dress. She tells them not to fear because she is here to help, Her name is Bianca as she explains that she needs help looking for a creature within the woods as she is afraid to go in there alone for she fears this beast. Byronica and the others escort her into the woods until they meet something horrifying: A creature with a face of a jackal or wolf and a body of a bear. The beast demands to know who they are, Byronica introduces herself and her crew while she was sent here to investigate the murders that have been going on however the creature wants help with something: Healing the tail that was shot off! Byronica agrees as the creature has an instant change of heart, The beast's name is Ephraim and he is glad to join Byronica's 'family' as well as the investigation. 
It is revealed that the Puppeteer's identity is Geoffrey Brown, a former ventriloquist who is now a serial killer that developed a condition called necrophilia, which means that he has a sexual attraction for dead corpses. It begin in the past when Geoffrey lost his wife, Emily Rose, who became gravely ill and died eventually. Emily Rose's sister, Wilhelmina, became suspicious when she learns that Brown had remarried but while she came to visit, she found Brown's car is gone and the door was open as she went in. She found a figure sitting the chair and introduce herself to it, but learns that the figure was a corpse of her own sister, Emily Rose! It turns out that Emily Rose was poisoned by her own husband and was kept decayed and the body in the coffin were just dead roses in there. Wilhelmina was so scared of this conclusion that she corners Geoffrey about this when he came back but Brown denied that Emily Rose is dead, she is 'alive'! 

Brown had offer a man name Eric to clean his house and Eric agrees to. While cleaning the building; Eric notices that there is something eerie going on: There was footsteps going back and forth, Followed by a loud banging down the hall as Eric calls out to who is out there but there was no answer. After cleaning; Eric hears a woman's crying and goes further towards a door to where the crying is coming from! Once he opened the door, A blood curdling scream startled him. 
Once he is about to leave; Eric saw a Bible-book in the study room and saw two red glowing eyes! Eric screamed, leaves the house and drove away in his car! The next morning, Eric told Brown that his house is haunted! Brown claims that it is impossible but Eric refuse to go back there. Brown sighs, "I understand if your imagination got the best of you. Here's your money, have a wonderful day." he said and turns to leave. As he turns away; A book fell down when Brown got in his car and drove off! Eric picks up the book and realized this was no Bible. When he opened up; the books was filled with gory drawings, photos of human sacrifices, bloody Latin words! The janitor was scared to realize what a complete psycho Brown is and reports this to the police, but when they are about to arrest Brown; he was gone! 

There was once a 'perfect' girl name Jessica, who was very pretty for her brown hair and emerald green eyes. She is an intelligent yet athletic student and is the captain of the cheerleading squad while her sister, Dorothy, was not perfect like her sister for she is slightly plumb, her grades are low of B & C--unlike her sister, who had gotten A's and academic rewards & was not much like her sister! Dorothy's parents would nag at Dorothy for not being like her sister and would always put her down for words like "your grades are terrible.", "you need to lose weight" and "why can't you be more like your sister?" Dorothy is upset so she decides to prove herself by working out by climbing trees! However one day Dorothy did not appear at school as Jessie became very worried, she thinks that her sister might be sick so she went home and called her but she did not answer so Jessie checked her sister's bedroom. While waiting for another half hour; Jessie decides to go look for her until she decides to go look for her until she froze in terror at what she saw in the branches of the trees: Dorothy's hair got caught in the branches but her stomach had been cut opened with a knife it look like, Jessie fell to the ground and weep in agony. She could not stop staring at the gruesome death os her sister! 

But a figure appears and rips Jessie's emerald green eyes out of her skull as Jessie screamed in more horror! Hearing this news; Anferney is seen with Tabithia and her youngest siblings watching a movie called The Ring, but then the phone rings. Anfrerney picks up the phone to answer, He hears someone laughing maniacally and hung up. "Who was it?" Anferney shrugged and replied, "Some nut, what did I miss?" At 10; the phone rings and it was the same guy from before: "I'll be there soon." He said, he laughed and hung up. Anferney is stunt for a moment before hanging the phone in its cradle. "Who was it?" asked Tabby's little sister. "Some crazy person." Another hour later; the phone rang again but Tabby's little sister answered it: "Hello?" It was the same man that called before: "One more hour." The man said, he laughed and hung up. Flummoxed and scared; "He said 'one more hour', what did he mean?" asked the little sister. "Don't worry, It's someone trying to play a trick on us." Anferney assured. "This is no trick, this is just creepy!" Tabby retorts firmly. "I'm scared!" said the little sister. At the next hour; the phone rang again, it was the same man from before that called: "Pretty soon now." The man said and he laughed. "Why are you doing this?" screamed Anferney. "Did you check the children?" the man asked, laughing. "Don't make me call the police!" Anferney warned. 

Suddenly he heard heavy breathing giggles before responding: "Better check the children." "Leave us alone!" yelled Anferney and he hung up. "Was it that psycho?" ask Tabby's siblings. "Yes, I'm calling 911 to find out what's going on." Anferney said as he dials the number. The operator tells him that if the guy tried to call again, she would try to trace the call. Sure enough, The guy called again and says another message, "So close." he said and laugh. Anferney told him he just called the police, the man hung up and Anferney called the operator, almost at once she called back: "Anferney, listen carefully: That person is calling from a telephone in a room upstairs, You'd better leave now while I ring in the police." Just as Anferney and the others are leaving, A man came walking down the stairs towards them while smiling in a strange manner. Tabby screamed in terror at him! Just in time; The police arrived and arrested him, which his name is Geoffrey Brown has another psycho assistant known as Lewellen's good friend, Jack Traugott-Paley aka Jack Ripley. Jack admits that Lewellen's stories are about the murders of women and children as he admits in his schizoid state of being an accomplice to his dear friend however people find him crazy. Jack reveals that his obsession with Alvin Schwartz's works had inspired him to murder these people and fantasies the 'creepy characters' such as Harold, The Thing, etc. 

While sentenced in the asylum; Brown meets Byronica and the others in his cell as mental torment will whisk his insane mind. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Amazon Star: Bedlamites & Hedonists

episode: They Pushed Her
17-year-old Lita Winslow is the new girl in Indiana of her new school and has no friends in the place that she lives in now. She befriends these five girls: Shirley, Daisy, Fawn, Tiara & Kayla. The girls pretend to be Lita's friends but they have been going behind her back as they spread vile rumors about her. Lita confronts them however she ends up becoming the bullied victim of being called names, the clique poisoning peers against her and humiliating her. Lita was emotionally yet mentally upset about this as she wanted was friends for her but she mortified herself to get them! One day; A tragedy occurred: A fire drill was taken place outside as the five girls decided that it would be so hilarious to push Lita down the manhole. They trick her of going in and pushed her when she was too chicken to do so! While taking roll call, One of the teacher's inquire where Lita is, Tiara says that Lita fell down the manhole and everyone laughed but not for long when they found her dead, covered in blood and her neck was broken. The girls felt so bad about what they done, They vows to never mention this again. The next morning, Lita came to school and she turns out to be alive, shocking the students and teachers--even the girls that pushed her yesterday. 
At first; Lita seems to act normal and forgives the girls for their evil doings but she lied to them in order to plan her revenge! The first victim is Shirley, who is seen sleeping when she woke up to hear a sound and is horrified to see Lita Winslow in her room as she kills her and puts her corpse in a sleep position. The second victim, Daisy, receives a box of sweets but finds maggots and poison in them as she dies and Lita puts her body in the dumpster. The third, Fawn, prepares for her bath and steps into the warm water but a hand made the water hot as someone electrocuted her alive: It was Lita, who leaves in a hurry before anyone can suspect it was her doing! The fourth victim, Tiara, is framed of these crimes towards her dead friends! Tiara claims that she didn't do it however her fingerprints are found and she insisted that she wasn't there nevertheless she is sentenced to prison. The fifth and last victim, Kayla, is about to be murdered by Lita and breaks down in anguish; begging to be spared and apologizes for what she done. Lita, who has a change of heart, forgives her but lets her off with a warning: "Hurt me again and I will find you."
In modern day; 18 year old Lita is seen walking when she sees Asia is seen being abused by a bunch of boys as Lita is full of anger as she attacks the boys and kills them as she helps Asia escape. Asia is shocked by this as she introduces herself as Lita does too. The two girls bond as they become instant best friends: They started to cause trouble for the 'cruel people' by scaring them, stealing their stuff and other crazy stuff. In due course; Lita is seen reading Tomiko while Asia is seen reading Uzumaki but Asia did not feel like reading because her mind was on other things, such as Neo Phobia: She couldn't get images of Anferney out of her mind! Lita notices that Asia looks diverted as Asia mentions about a 'certain friend' in Neo Phobia, Lita smiles at the word 'friend' as she decides to meet this friend. Asia sees Anferney, Sheba, Nettie, Jordan, Brenton and Corin as she rejoices by embracing Anferney, which he and the others are shock to see her here. Lita approaches to the other agents of Neo Phobia, her innocence tricks Anferney and the other deputies as well which Asia is happy that they like her. Anferney tries to be more cautious because he suspect that something is wrong with Lita as she might be hiding a secret that nobody knows about. 
At the headquarters of Neo Phobia: Lita is introduced however she is teased relentlessly by Derek and Tov about the way she dresses. Later; They mock her again about her carrying around a journal as they throw it away from Lita while jeering at her while she try to pick it up and clear the soil that was on it. Just then; Derek notices that Lita's neck bones look funny and tries to prod it whereas Lita start freaking out as if she was possessed! After her shriek attack; Derek ask what is wrong with her, "You are." replied Lita. Later on, Lita explores Tavish Sextus's enclave when Tavish attacks her as he and the others prepare a ritual's fire, which caused Lita's power to stop this madness nevertheless Lita was covered in burnt marks however her scorched contusions mended rapidly at an accelerating pace. Lita tortures Travon mentally about Brighid: It is revealed that, during the traumatic experiments that Brighid and the two subjects, Travon loved her but that lust took its toll when Brighid became pregnant however after the child's birth, Tavish took the infant and later he returned it to Brighid which the baby is bleeding and is dead! Brighid is horrified at this as Travon was the most that was terrified. Travon begs Lita to stop this, Lita mocks him of his anguish and she tells him he is a bad influence as she (Lita) stabs Travon in his crotch, escaping as Travon is hospitalized and tormented from Lita's words!
One day; Nettie is seen drowning however she is rescued by Sheba and the others from drowning as her shoes are missing! Lita appears as she asked what is going on however her shoes look familiar however Lita lies about this. A drunk Miguel reveals that Lita shoes are actually Nettie's footwear however Lita lies about this as she is let off the hook for now! Lita and Asia are seen in the study room as Lita ask Asia to help her find the key, Asia nods happily as she searches for it while Lita is seen doing something. After finding the key; Asia turns around to see a gun pointed at her. Lita asked, "Do you want to play?" Asia, not wanting to die, nods her head slowly. The two girls are seen confronting the gate keeper of Neo Phobia and start harassing him, enough to make him mad as Lita murders him by piercing him in the gut. After killing the gate keeper; Lita and Asia dragged his body somewhere to burn it. They do not know that Heath and Ardon are watching until Lita turns around as the boys duck their heads! While Ardon is asleep; He awakens to see Lita, who has a knife to his throat as she demands to know what he saw as Ardon describes what he and Heath saw. He is so scared that he wets himself as Lita whispers, "Poor thing. You just pissed your breeches." and stalks out of the room.  
Heath is seen playing with his paint ball gun but he accidently shot something and he is horrified at what it is. Lita and Asia appear before Heath after he accidently shot a swan and asked if it is dead. Heath says that he didn't mean to hurt the swan. Lita picks up a rock and demands lightly that he puts the beautiful creature out of its misery. Heath refuses so Lita smashes the swan repeatedly and remarks: "It's OK, It's in Heaven now." Heath stares at the dead swan and looks at Lita disbelief before muttering, "You're crazy." he runs away with tears in his eyes. Lita smiles as Asia does the same however she feels bad about this secretly! Ardon is seen walking down the hallway when he sees Lita and Asia standing there, blocking the path. Ardon is scared as Lita and Asia both say in sync: "Come play with us, Ardon. Forever and ever....and ever.....and ever." While they are saying this; There are mental images of emo girls covered in blood, slit wrists and slit throats. Ardon is so scared that he turns away while covering his eyes from the horror! He opens them and sees that it was a mere illusion and calms his senses before returning to his enclave to his master and coequal. 
Lita is seen looking for 'her' shoes and gets panicky when she cannot find them. She gets stressed out until she runs into Sextus, who says that he would like to help her out but Lita refuses however Tavish informs Lita about Nettie being almost drowned and her shoes were taken from her. He goaded on about how the death penalty would be a suitable way for the suspect! Irritated; Lita demands for her shoes however a playfully Tavish refuses and laughs--He doesn't have anybody's shoes except his own. Lita refuses to leave him be unless her shoes were return! Tavish is shocked to hear that the crazy girl actual tried to drown Nettie however Lita ignores this as she dictates for her shoes back! Tavish is about to kill her nonetheless Lita dodges him and nearly burns him after covering him in propane, Renata comes to her father's rescue by putting out the fire before it burned Tavish's undivided flesh. Lita escapes as Renata is at lost at what happened. Lita hunt for retaliation against Tov and Derek by using the grinning mask to disguise herself in a primrose yellow cassock and attempts to give the showboat Derek something 'ugly' for him to remember: She pulls out a knife as she attempts to give him a Glasgow grin while saying in a lunacy tone: "Why. so. serious! Why. so. serious! Let's. put. a. smile on your face!!!!!" nevertheless Jordan walks in to see this madwoman with a knife in her hand, Lita leaves as if nothing happened. 
To prevent him from snitching; Lita sends a book to Heath of creepy things, gory pictures and disturbing photos of human sacrifices. At the end of the book; There is an eerie message written in marker felt: "You will die in seven days!" Frightened; Heath and Ardon are seen talking about the situation but Lita appears to torment them and is about to burn them alive however the boys manages to escape in time however they are attacked by Lita, who brutalizes them physically and verbally! After she left; Tov and Derek discovers the young boys in a catatonic stage as they take them to Nurse Sophia. Hearing about what happened; Anferney rages as he attacks Lita and demands to know what did she do to them until the medics arrive to seize him away and one of the curatives tranquilized him. Katherine is seen cuddling with a sleeping Anferney as she soothes his mind and tells him that she'll handle Lita before she can do any more harm. Lita attempts to seduce an intoxicated Brenton but it backfires when Brenton reveals his true feelings for Sheba! She gets irritated as she uses her unknown powers to close the doors, she attempts to burn him until Corin comes to Brenton's rescue and the two fled! Lita is so angry that she nearly hurt herself as she becomes sexually fetish somehow.
Katherine discovers the stimulating pleasure that the insane lassie is doing and is disgusted at this sight, "Oh my God, What the heck are you doing?" she demands. Lita gasp in horror to see Kathy there as she fixes her posture as she ask what is she doing here. Kathy wants to know about what she done towards her victims that didn't deserve it--especially Nettie! Lita explains that she had blackmailed Nettie after taking her doll and scares her by wearing a translucent, grinning mask. Nettie demands for the doll as she threatens Lita to snitch on her. This angered Lita so much that she attempts to drown Nettie however she (Lita) heard Sheba and the others as she runs away from the scene after taking Nettie's shoes! She uses the grinning mask to bring harm to others: Lita attacks Nikki and is about to strangle her death but Nikki broke free as she attempts to run away however Lita stabs her in the knee, her foot and thigh. Then; Lita tells Katherine about her crimes, claiming that people have 'sinned' for all of the horrible things they done! Katherine tells her that these are innocent lives that she is doing towards her friends. Lita learns that Asia betrayed her as she is about to kill her while screaming in German, "Bist du verruckt? Komm zu mir, Mein ziemlich!" Katherine and Asia escape with Brenton and Corin as they attempt to find a manhole outside the city to put an end to Lita! 
A deja-vu moment happens: Lita lurks in the city as she calls out that she knows that Katherine and the others are here! "Come on out!" she calls out. "Please....Stop! Why are you doing this?" sobbed Asia. "COME ON OUT!" screamed Lita. "YOU NEED COUNSELING, YOU'RE A PERVY WENCH!!!!!" cried Asia, who weeps a little. Lita replied with mockery in her voice while laughing, "Oh, I'm a 'pervy wench'! HAHAHAHAHA!" Hearing her laugh; Katherine and the others are annoyed. "Deja-vu much?" Corin queries sardonically. "Oh yeah, I remember." replied Brenton with scorn in his tone. Lita inhales deeply before bellowing again: "If you don't come on out from your manhole, I will.....Break your neck and peel your face off while you're covering in shit and muck! YOU'RE CHOICE!!!!!" Lita pulls out a gun and starts shooting at the objects in the windows of the warehouse and calls out, "Come out, come out, Wherever you are!" She shoots rapidly and cries out in a manic tone: "COME OUT, COME OUT, WHEREVER YOU ARE!" 
It turns out that Lita switches bodies with Nettie, who was sleeping at the time when Lita kidnapped her! "Hang on, We are going for a bumpy ride!" announces Katherine as she wrestles with Lita inside Nettie's body as they took a jarring fall while struggling as they cause a detonation but the gang--as well as Lita Winslow--survived the crash. Eventually; Kathy and the others emerge from the rubble as they are lightheaded from the fall they took. "Ta-daaaa....." Katherine said in a frazzled tone. "Don't do that again, Okay?" said Corin. "Not with Lita, I won't." said Kathy with a giddy grin. "Man!" groaned Brenton. Snapping out of her unsteady state; Kathy says: "OK, We have to save Nettie before Lita activates her powers!" "What in the world is this?" They heard Lita say beneath the debris. "Aw, crap!" groaned Katherine. 
Katherine, Brenton and Corin defeats Lita as they managed to switch the souls back into the rightful bodies but it doesn't stop there. Suddenly; Lita speaks in Bulgarian towards Corin and Brenton in a vampish tone: "Вие господа ще претърпи голямо удоволствие, аз съм за да ви даде чрез Пун ми към вашия пенис. Аз ще ви чукам твърди и добри, вие искате?" "What the hell did she say?" inquires Brenton. "I have no idea, She's speaking Bulgarian." said Kathy. "I heard her say 'дяволите', Here...Let me look it up." Asia said as she pulls out her iPhone and looks up Google translate and she is shocked at what the word 'дяволите' means! "You foul, harley." countered Asia. "What?" asked Katherine. "She said to you guys in Bulgarian that she wants to 'F' you two, 'Hard' and 'good'." replied Asia, translating to what Lita said in Bulgarian. "Brenton & Corin?" questions Katherine. "Uh, who else would she be talking to?" Asia said. Katherine looked disgusted as she calls out to Lita: "Ugh, You debauchee! How dare you say you want to zock them?" "They are mine, Not yours! Little punani!" squaw Lita. "Foul-mouthed harpy!" screeched Katherine. Seeing that the witch will switch bodies with Katherine; Asia is about to stop Lita but she is held back by Corin, who says that Katherine knows what to do!
The two girls fight as Katherine falls into the manhole with Lita until she uses levitation/fly to stop the fall and is about to leave until the crazy teenage girl follows her up the ladder of the sewer. Lita grabs onto Katherine's leg and slips back into her innocent persona while holding a cutter behind her, she beseeches gingerly by calling her 'Shirley'. Panting heavily while Asia trembles in Corin's clasp; Katherine replies with a shriek, "My name is NOT SHIRLEY!!!!!" she kicks her neck into the manhole and she falls down deeper into the cavern. "Nooooooooooo!!!!!" cried Lita. Katherine closes up the manhole while Lita climbs up calling out the name 'Shirley' again as Kathy snarls angrily that her name is not Shirley and finally closes up the manhole while she trudged over to the others until she faints but Brenton catches her, he murmurs on how she is doing and remarks that he thought she was gonna die. "Me too." admitted Kathy. They stare at each other in silence until Brenton admits that he is glad that she (Kathy) is safe. Katherine smiles as she whispers, "Thanks." Finally; Asia broke free from Corin's grasp as she embraces Kathy while intoning like a lunatic alongside of tears cascaded down her cheeks, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry........" 
Kathy cradles the crying girl in her arms and comforts her as she assures her that it is over. The gang leaves to return to Neo Phobia to forget about Lita Winslow--for now. In the sewers; Lita awakens as she vows that her madness has just begun. Brighid appears as she says that she had done well as step two is coming up!

Amazon Star: Bedlamites & Hedonists

episode: Flesh Grotto 

It begins with Katherine is seen hanging out with Brenton and Corin at a bar, those two got drunk while Kathy flirts with them a little until she stops herself and helps Corin but Brenton wants to walk back to Neo Phobia as Kathy agrees so she tells him to be careful and leaves. Brenton stumbles into the night as memoirs of his master being killed by the Undertaker. Agonized by the memoirs; The intoxicated Brenton falls into the arms of Cleo, who takes him back to her place and stays up late to watch over him. The next morning; Brenton finds breakfast by him on a night stand and a note from Cleo: "Sorry, I knew you were drunk and took you back to my place. I know you don't want to eat but I think your stomach will be better with some food in it, 'Kay? Later; You can let Neo Phobia know where you were. -Cleo."Later; Brenton stops by to give her food and Brenton tells Kathy that he cooked that for her, Kathy is shocked to find out about this. 

That night while Kathy was sleeping; Corin snuck into her room and grazes her cheek, her neck and stitch heart pendant as his fingertips deep into Katherine's chest and accidently pulled her heart out, awakening the split personality creature, Cammeo, awakens to attack Corin, who attempts to fight back with full force but Cammeo is much stronger than him and Corin returns the beating heart into Kathy's body and she (Kathy) falls back asleep. Corin pants out of breath as he wonders who was that! The fundamental zealots hear this noise as they broke in to put a witch trial of Kathy with Corin and Brenton attend to. The crowd of people considered Kathy a witch so they chase after her! Kathy hid in a pipe drain but the people found her, torture her and pulled her heart out but they end up unleashing Cammeo, who massacres the extremist zealots while Brenton and Corin watches in horror of this sight. 

Later after escaping, Katherine takes Brenton's hand and places it on her chest, where a black hole shows the direction of Kathy's heart is! Brenton is shocked at this as an emotional Kathy embraces him as she wonders what is happening to her. That night; Katherine had a dream: Cammeo was a parasite in Kathy's womb and after nine hours, it tried to peel out of her violently until Amanda saves her life and Cammeo by placing the infant-like parasite in a cocoon so the growth development will become human as well as a blood centric creature. Awakening by Amanda's cut opened palm of her hand at the witching hour; Cammeo is born as a human woman but with a blood thirsty nature towards the wicked. Kathy wakes up terrified of this dream and was left shuddering in terror. Kathy is cornered by Cleo, Brenton and Corin & demands to know what is going on. Cleo simply tells her to take a seat, Kathy reluctantly sits as she asked in a calm matter of why everyone thinks that she is Cammeo but Cleo confirms: "I think you know." 

After thinking back on Cammeo, which is a shock that she did that; Katherine asked why is she chosen to be Cammeo, Cleo explains that this 'vixen' was her creation mentally and emotionally that was full of hatred, sadness, anger and vengeance because of the fact of what her dad did to her in the past, what her previous peers did to her: Teased her, Used her, Abused her and Thought she was an easy person to fool! Brenton says that Cammeo exist as she appears to be a split version that Katherine created without knowing. In the past of creating this being; Kathy called this violent creature The Flesh Maiden and created a short story about her slaughtering everyone she hated! Corin also pointed out that the name 'Cammeo' means 'skin' as it is both an Italian and Middle French name, Cammeo's insides are corpuscle-like body parts, her mind is like that too and it seems Cammeo is a macabre yet cynical character that Kathy thought up, gave a name and told her everything that she had to do! Kathy remembers the day she went after Amanda aka Tertia, who was evil at the time. Even to Corin, the fundamentalists and other gory stuff. 

Katherine confronts Tavish Sextus about the information she found out and she demands to know how to redeem but Eurydice approaches as she knows how however she warns her that is a painful procedure and Kathy accepts as she is strapped down while Eurydice removes Cammeo from her body. Kathy fights the urge to scream but she gasps in pain of this, Tavish is amuse as he becomes pervert-minded of thinking that Katherine is moaning of sensual pleasure and Kathy glares at Sextus. Finally it's over: After the Cammeo no longer torments Kathy and is redeemed inside of a crystal; Eurydice becomes interested in this new fond blood centric parasite as she analyzes is and would like to experiment more of it. At a tavern; Kathy arrives in a fabrique aux shirt of tribal-like triangle symbols, comfy pants and ankle sandals. Kathy greets Brenton and Corin, who playfully start teasing her of the outfit and Kathy playfully tell them to shut up. Her bosom looks different to Brenton, He stares at it until Kathy notices and pretends to strip however she says she was joking towards Brenton and Corin because she wouldn't dare strip in public. Kathy says she bought new lingeries with a 'friend', Brenton remarks on how her breasts look bustier and Kathy finds him perverted for saying that but finds herself staring at him. 

Kathy snaps out of it and excuse herself to use the bathroom! In the bathroom, a dark daydream begins: Brenton on the neck; Kathy imagines this sexual scene as herself being bitten by a vampire, who's sucking her blood! Katherine slaps herself as she tells herself to snap out if it. She has an daydream: While on the Forbidden Rose vessel; Katherine is seen gazing at the side of the boat to see the moon. Corin joins her  side and tries to  talk to her in order to kiss her but somehow it eventually fails! As Kathy is seen walking away; A soothing voice starts crooning a love song about wanting the girl so much as Corin is spellbound to the lyre in his mind and has new confidence to talk to Kathy, who seems attractive to him as those two are about to kiss until a wave splashes them, ruining the sweet moment! This angers Corin until he is surprised by Kathy, who locks with him and she pulls away with a smile on her face. Corin is stunted at this as Kathy walks away. Kathy pretends to be naive about the kiss and she pretends to be gulliable around Corin, who is trying to keep a straight face because he thinks Kathy does not know. Once the boys are about to laugh, Kathy reveals that she knew about the bet in her vision as this left Corin and the others with mouths open, speechless at this! Kathy says that the killing joke is on them and she laughs out loud but she starts sobbing as she leaves. Katherine snaps out of it and returns to the boys. 

The next 24 hours; Katherine had a bad day: At home, She got into a bad argument with her little brother, Webster, and mentioned their father in that disagreement. Webster goes to call Mom and Kathy chase after him in order to prevent him but is held back by Jay and she struggles while kicking him. Her brothers threaten to call the police until then, she needs to change her attitude and they end up calling Mother. Mrs. Donovan said that she'll be home soon after hearing Webster's story! When Mrs. Donovan got home; she is still slightly burnt from Kathy's behavior today and Kathy ends up feeling guilty and upset for letting her mother down! Realizing she cannot get a 'real' job out into the real world; Katherine decides to get a writing job online so she wouldn't have to deal with the real world because of her actions. She is struggling with her anxiety still, especially with her actions! She is seen brushing her teeth and applying lip gloss from her make-up kit. Then she blots her lips before leaving! In the meantime; Katherine is seen at Neo Phobia and watches over Corin sleeping, she sits on the bed and gasps as what she is about to do but she leans over to kiss his mouth softly. Shocked; Corin wakes up and kisses her passionately but pulls away and ask her if she knows his crush on her and Kathy replies that she has but she says that she is still virgin and explains that she is 'complicated' so the two agree to become friends.